

Java is one of the most popular programming languages that is desirable by many professionals and corporations all around the world to run their products and services. Despite the introduction of newer applications, it still remains the most sought-after. There are numerous reasons for the popularity of Java. 


This blog focuses on the Top 15 most popular java applications examples and the reason behind them. So, let’s get started!



  • Java is recognized as a platform-independent language, meaning it can run on a wide variety of platforms without hampering performance and speed. It enables Java professionals to run the code on any operating system, despite creating it on another one.
  • Java is object-oriented. Java functions use the objects and classes that complete all the operations for the applications.
  • Java is quite easy to learn and use compared to other programming languages
  • Java has another advantage of being executed at once as multiple processes can implement the code together instead of one by one.


These were just some of the many advantages offered by Java, making it accountable for its global popularity across diverse industries. Java applications in 2023 are the new age future. 



Our Learners Also Read: How to become a Full-Stack Java Developer



Mobile Applications


Mobile applications are the most popular Java applications. Many of the apps available on your mobile are developed on Java, especially for android phones. It will not be wrong to say that the Android OS is huge, if not entirely, based on Java. It is used to the extent that mobile application developers announce Java as their programming language. Java offers high compatibility with the app development software and technologies that work and is supported by all devices. Softwares such as Kotlin and Android Studio are completely Java-compatible. 



GUI Desktop Applications


Java supports GUI creation utilizing tools like Swing, JavaFX, and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). Graphic User Interface, or GUI, is what it stands for. Although mobile applications dominate the market, desktop applications still haven’t lost all their charm. There is still demand for desktop applications in the market and hence Java is a great choice for developers worldwide. A GUI widget called Swing provides sophisticated features like lists, scroll panes, tables, tabbed panels, and trees.



Web Applications - Java Based 


Web applications are developed using Java as it ensures security with a simple coding experience. These two features attract a lot of Full Stack Java Developer Course worldwide which allows them to create a program that is responsive. Servlets, Struts, and JSPs support web applications and uphold a lot of potential for all kinds of programs. Additionally, e-commerce websites are also created using Java these days.



Web and Application Servers


Java is the reason behind the rapid development of web and application servers. Web servlets such as Apache Tomcat, Project Jigsaw, and Rimfaxe Web Server (RWS) are the main constituents of the web server space. Servlets such as WebLogic, WebSphere, and JBoss EAP have a firm grip on the commercial application server space.



Scientific Applications


Scientific applications are another popular type of java application developed using Java. The mathematical operations and calculations are secure, swift, well-maintained, and portable. Java fills in this void and applications such as MATLAB run on Java for maintaining and building user interfaces. 



Game Applications


Java is widely used in the gaming industry. Gaming applications and the use of Java go hand in hand. jMonkey engine is supported by Java and is considered one of the most high-performance engines available today. Even a lot of 2D game applications are built using Java combined with CSS. Therefore, no matter what kind of gaming application you desire to build, Java is the key to it. Games are applications of Java in the real world



Big Data Technologies


Big Data Technologies find their use in a lot of diverse sectors and Java is mainly used for it. For example, Hadoop, the most well-known and used big data platform, is written in Java along with Scala. Scala was originally created to highlight some of the drawbacks of using Java. 



Business Applications


Many business applications run and are developed on Java. As many of the big corporations are turning to Java to address their problems, Java ensures the development of large-scale, multi-tiered network applications that are not only secure and reliable but also scalable. Java enables the creation of features to deliver powerful business applications in a less intricate manner using development model API. These features allow the developers to focus on the application performance more.



Distributed Applications


Distributed Applications mainly refer to programs that run on multiple computers linked to the same network. These applications are bifurcated into programs for client software and server software. They bring to the table their own distinctive characteristics and challenges along with the top-notch quality of servers and systems. JINI (Java Intelligent Networking Infrastructure) renders registers and finds distributed services. 



Cloud-Based Applications


Cloud-based applications are among the most popular java application examples. It is not at all surprising that Java is widely used for cloud applications worldwide. It is often stated as leveraging off-site servers via the internet for processing, managing, and storing data. Cloud computing is also used for distributed computing systems. There are multiple java cloud development tools available such as the Oracle Java Cloud Service. It ensures easy creation and configuration of the Oracle Weblogic servers and application environment. 



Software Tools


Software Tools are leveraged by Java Developers to create, debug, and maintain other software programs and applications. There are numerous applications of Java in the real world including Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse. 



Embedded Systems


These are the foundational low-level systems that make up the electromechanical network. They consist of microcontrollers, small chips, CPUs, etc. To create reliable and quick low-level embedded systems, Java is employed. Popular embedded systems that can be developed in Java include SIM cards and Blu-ray discs.



Applications used for Trading 


Java applications in 2023 find their way into the development of trading applications. Murex is one of the major trading applications developed using Java and is used by banks for risk, treasury, and post-trade operations for the financial markets. 



J2ME Applications


The most recognized and popular OS of mobile phones nowadays is the iOS and Android operating systems. Most phones now come with the feature of digital assistance that uses J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition). Java applications like J2ME are used to build blu-ray, set-top boxes, cards, etc. 



Apps In Financial Industry


The financial sector needs more server applications to manage its intricate networks and daily operations. Java is frequently used to create these server-side applications, which are used to execute data processing, trading systems, confirmation systems, and other operations. Java-based applications are used by some of the top financial institutions, including CitiGroup, Goldman Sachs, and Barclays.





This marks the end of our list of the most popular java application examples. Although there are many additional Java-based applications available, these were some of the most popular ones. The most extensively used and popular language right now is still Java.