A Starters Guide To Learn Web Scraping With Python

  • Written By  

  • Published on April 7th, 2023

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Python is one of the most well-liked and useful programming languages. It is used in a range of industries for data science, machine learning, and web development. It has widespread use, particularly in such in-demand (and connected) fields as machine learning and big data. Hence Python is overtaking Java as the most popular programming language is not surprising. Imagine a situation where you must quickly retrieve a large amount of data from websites. How would you obtain the data if you weren't going to each website personally? Naturally, "web scraping" is the answer. Web scraping only speeds up and makes this process easier. 


This guide will introduce you to web scraping Python.

Why is Web Scraping Used?

With web scraping, you can extract crucial data from web pages. 

Web scraping software often simulates human web browsing by implementing low-level Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Or it may work by incorporating a functional web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.


Web scraping is a method used to acquire a lot of data from websites. But why must someone rely on websites to obtain such vast volumes of data? To learn more about this, let's take a closer look at a few web scraping tools:-


  • Services like ParseHub employ a technique called webpage scraping to collect data from online store websites and compare product prices.

  • Web scraping is a typical method used by companies that use mass emailing as a marketing technique to get email addresses.

  • To find out what is popular, web scraping is used to collect data from social networking platforms like Twitter.

  • Web scraping gathers a lot of data (statistics, general information, temperature, etc.) from websites for research and development. The processed data is then used for research and development or surveys.

  • For the convenience of users, information about job openings and interviews is compiled from many sources and placed in one place.

The Benefit Of Web Scraping

Companies are now posting data online in greater numbers. Information about the client, the product, the price, and the supplier is provided. For competitive intelligence and strategic positioning objectives, such as in the telemarketing industry, businesses gather this data from websites. It is unclear whether firms are engaging in these activities lawfully. Because they are difficult to oversee, especially when machine learning and AI are involved.



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Why Python Works Well for Web Scraping?

Below is a list of Python's features that make it more appropriate for web scraping.


  • Python programming is simple to implement, making it simple to use. There is no obligation to use curly brackets or semicolons ";". This makes it less messy and easier to use.

  • large library holdings Numpy, Matplotlib, and Pandas are just a few of the many tools and functions available in Python's extensive library collection. It is suitable for web scraping and for modifying the obtained data further.

  • Dynamically typed: In Python, variables can be used without the need to define their data types wherever they are required. Your work is expedited, and your time is saved.

  • Python syntax is very straightforward to learn because reading Python code is quite similar to reading an English statement. The use of indentation in Python makes it simpler for the user to discern between different scopes and code blocks, and it is easy to grasp. 

  • Python enables the use of shortcodes for complex operations. You so save time even while writing the code.

  • What happens if you encounter difficulties writing the code? There's no need to worry. One of the biggest and busiest Python communities will be there for you.

How To Scrape Data From A Website?

  • A request is made to the URL you specified when you run the web scraping code. 

  • The server transmits the information in response to the request, enabling you to see the HTML or XML page. 

  • After parsing the HTML or XML page, the code extracts the data. 


Now follow the below steps to retrieve data from the web using Python:-


  • Discover the URL you wish to crawl.

  • Examining the Page

  • Locate the data you wish to extract and then write the code.

  • Execute the code, then get the data.

  • Save the information in the necessary format. 

Libraries Used For Web Scraping 

Python provides a variety of libraries for carrying out a single function. To scrape data for this post, two different Python Modules will be used:-

  • To obtain URLs, use the Urllib2 Python package.

  • To extract data from web pages, "Beautiful Soup," a Python library, is used. Data extraction is made simple by the parse trees that are produced.

  • Selenium is a library for web testing. It is applied to browser automation.

  • Pandas is a library for analyzing and manipulating data. The data is extracted and stored using the desired format. 

Why Learn Web Scraping?

It is logical to presume that web scraping is now a necessary skill to have in the modern digital world. It is not just for technical roles or tech firms. 


  • Even those without a background in programming may easily use web scraping. 

  • It helps to gather various types of data, enabling their businesses and work with insights from Big Data. It is possible with the "smarter" and more widely used web scraping automation tools.

  • It moves fairly quickly. You can download a sizable amount of material from numerous websites.

  • Web scraping is also reasonably priced. Many duties that would have traditionally needed a company to engage more workers can be completed by a scraper.

  • There is a lot of freedom with web scraping. A script that gathers data from a certain website can be changed to carry out additional scraping operations.

  • Use a web scraping API or a tool like ParseHub or Octoparse to gather data from the internet. 


It is an automated method for gathering enormous amounts of data from websites. On the internet, there may be a lot of unstructured data. This data can be collected and stored via web scraping. Website scraping works in many ways, such as by using internet services. You can use it even through APIs, or even your applications. Web scraping is useful when you need to gather a large amount of data from the internet. Use the extracted data for market research, sentiment analysis, lead generation, price monitoring, and machine learning model training. One of the main advantages of gathering scraped data is the ability to store the data in a spreadsheet or database for later research.


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