The IoT Academy Blog

Ember JS Tutorial – Definition | Framework | Example

  • Written By The IoT Academy 

  • Published on July 25th, 2024

Ember JS is a powerful, open-source JavaScript framework for building scalable and easy-to-maintain web applications. Created by Yehuda Katz and the Ember Core Team, it uses the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture. It also makes development simpler with built-in rules. Ideal for creating complex single-page applications (SPAs) with rich features. It offers quick setup, two-way data binding, the Ember CLI tool, strong routing, reusable components, and dynamic templates. So this guide is here to explain Ember JS, compare it with React.js, and show how to get started.

What is Ember JS?

It is an open-source JavaScript framework that creates scalable and maintainable web applications. It follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture and is renowned for its convention-over-configuration approach, simplifying development by providing sensible defaults and automating repetitive tasks. Developed by Yehuda Katz and Ember Core Team, Ember JS is tailored for creating ambitious single-page applications (SPAs) with rich features and complex interactions.

Key Features of Ember JS

It is a powerful JavaScript framework that helps developers build scalable, maintainable web applications. Here are some key features of Ember JS:

  • Convention Over Configuration: It has built-in rules that help you set up your application quickly, so you don’t have to make many decisions about how things should work. This makes coding faster and easier.
  • Two-Way Data Binding: It keeps your app’s data and the user interface in sync automatically. If your data changes, the user interface updates right away, and vice versa.
  • Ember CLI: Ember CLI is a tool that helps you create, build, and test Ember JS apps. It makes these tasks easier and faster, helping you keep everything organized.
  • Routing: Also has a strong routing system that connects URLs to specific parts of your app. This also makes it easy to manage different views and navigate through your app.
  • Components: Generally, it uses components to build reusable pieces of your user interface. Each component can handle its logic and look, which helps keep your code neat and organized.
  • Templates: Uses Handlebars for templates, which lets you create HTML that updates automatically when your data changes. This makes building interactive web pages simpler.

Ember JS Development Services

For businesses looking to leverage Ember javascript, there are numerous Ember development services available. These services can assist with everything from initial setup and customization to full-scale application development. Professional Ember JS development companies can provide expertise in building robust, scalable web applications tailored to your requirements.

Getting Started with Ember JS

Getting started with Ember JS is a great choice for building ambitious web applications. Ember is a powerful JavaScript framework that helps you create scalable, maintainable, and feature-rich web applications. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

1. Install Ember CLI

To start using Ember JS, you first need to install Ember CLI. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Then, run:

npm install -g ember-cli

2. Create a New Ember Application

Generate a new Ember application using the CLI:

ember new my-app

cd my-app

3. Run the Development Server

Start the development server of Ember JS with:

ember serve

Open your browser and navigate to `http://localhost:4200` to see your new Ember app in action.

4. Generate Components, Routes, and Models

You can use Ember CLI to generate various parts of your application. For example:

  • Generate a Component:

# ember generate component my-component

  • Generate a Route:

ember generate route my-route

  • Generate a Model:

# ember generate model my-model

5. Learn the Basics of Ember

  • Routes: Define the routes in `app/router.js`. Each route can have a corresponding template and controller.
  • Controllers: Manage the state and logic for a particular route. Define them in `app/controllers`.
  • Models: Create models to represent your application’s data. Define them in `app/models`.

6. Use Ember Data

Ember Data is the official data persistence library for Ember JS. It provides a robust way to interact with your data and includes adapters and serializers to work with different backends.

7. Explore Ember Addons

Ember framework has a rich ecosystem of add-ons that can extend the functionality of your application. You can search for add-ons on Ember Observer and install them via npm.

8. Follow the Documentation and Guides

The official Ember JS guides are an excellent resource for learning the ins and outs of the framework. They cover topics from basic usage to advanced patterns and best practices.

Ember JS Example

Here is a simple example to illustrate how Ember JS works:

1. Ember JSDefine the Todos RouteEmber JS

Edit `app/routes/todos.js` to fetch the to-do items from the model:

import Route from ‘@ember/routing/route’;


export default class TodosRoute extends Route {

model() {




2. Ember JSCreate the Todos TemplateEmber JS

Edit `app/templates/todos.hbs` to display the to-do items:

<h1>To-Do List</h1>



{{#each model as |todo|}}


<input type=”checkbox” checked={{todo.isCompleted}}>





3. Ember JSGenerate a Component for Adding TodosEmber JS

Generate a component in Ember JS that allows adding new to-do items:

ember generate component todo-form

This will create a component file (`app/components/todo-form.js`) and a template file (`app/templates/components/todo-form.hbs`).

4. Ember JSImplement the Todo Form ComponentEmber JS

Edit `app/components/todo-form.js` to define the component logic:

import Component from ‘@glimmer/component’;

import { action } from ‘@ember/object’;


export default class TodoFormComponent extends Component {


async addTodo() {

let newTodo =‘todo’, {

title: this.args.title,

isCompleted: false




this.args.onAdd(); // Callback to refresh the list



Edit `app/templates/components/todo-form.hbs` to define the form ember js template:

<form {{on “submit” this.addTodo}}>

<input type=”text” placeholder=”Enter a new to-do” {{on “input” (pick “target.value” this.title)}}>

<button type=”submit”>Add Todo</button>


5. Ember JS Include the Component in the Todos Template

Edit `app/templates/todos.hbs` to include the new component:

<h1>To-Do List</h1>


<TodoForm @onAdd={{this.refreshModel}} />



{{#each model as |todo|}}


<input type=”checkbox” checked={{todo.isCompleted}}>





6. Ember JSRun Your ApplicationEmber JS

Start the Ember JS development server:

ember serve

Open your browser and navigate to `http://localhost:4200`. You should see your basic to-do list application where you can add and display to-do items.

This is a very basic example to get you started. Ember JS provides a lot of features, such as data management with Ember Data, advanced routing capabilities, and a powerful templating engine that you can leverage as your application grows.

Ember JS vs React JS

In this section, we will compare Ember JS and React JS, two popular JavaScript frameworks, to help you understand their differences, strengths, and use cases. When comparing React JS vs Ember, it is essential to understand their distinct philosophies and use cases. EmberJS is a complete framework that gives you lots of tools and rules to build big, complex web apps. It also has built-in features like routing and data binding, making it good for structured projects.

React.js is a library mainly for creating user interfaces with reusable pieces called components. It updates the interface quickly using a virtual DOM but needs extra tools for things like routing and managing data.

In short, Ember provides everything you need in one package, while React.js is more flexible but requires combining with other tools.

Ember JS Development Company

When choosing an Ember development company. Make sure they know a lot about Ember JS and have experience building web apps. As well as they can provide high-quality and scalable solutions. Here is a list of notable Ember JS development companies and agencies that can help with your project:

  1. Tilde Inc.: They helped create Ember JS and are experts in building strong and scalable Ember JS apps.
  2. DockYard: They make custom software and offer Ember JS development services.
  3. Upwork: You can find freelance developers with Ember JS skills here, offering flexibility and different options.
  4. Miracle Mill: They develop Ember JS apps and have worked with both small startups and big companies.
  5. Lighthouse Labs: They provide consulting and development services with a focus on high-quality Ember JS web apps.


In conclusion, Ember JS is a strong and flexible framework for building complex web applications. Its focus on standard practices and useful tools makes it a great choice for developers wanting to work efficiently as well as create top-quality apps. Whether you are thinking about using Ember.js or comparing it to React.js, Knowing its strengths can help you decide what’s best for your projects. If you need help, an experienced Ember JS development company can bring your ideas to life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Is Ember Still Used?

Ans. Yes, Ember JS is still used by many developers and companies for building web apps. Its set rules make development easier. Big companies like LinkedIn and Intercom use it, and a strong community keeps it updated and useful.

Q. Is EmberJS Frontend or Backend?

Ans. Ember JS is a frontend framework used to build the part of web apps that users see and interact with. It also helps create rich, interactive interfaces as well as manages the app’s state. Which allows developers to build complex single-page applications (SPAs) that talk to backend services through APIs.

About The Author:

The IoT Academy as a reputed ed-tech training institute is imparting online / Offline training in emerging technologies such as Data Science, Machine Learning, IoT, Deep Learning, and more. We believe in making revolutionary attempt in changing the course of making online education accessible and dynamic.


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