Forward Proxy vs Reverse Proxy – Explained With Example

  • Written By The IoT Academy 

  • Published on August 26th, 2024

In networking and cybersecurity, proxies help manage and secure internet traffic. Forward and reverse proxies act as middlemen but do different things and offer unique benefits. This article will explain the basic differences between forward proxy vs reverse proxy, show how each works, and give examples of their use. By learning about these proxies, you will understand how they improve security. As well as control internet access, and make network performance better.

What is a Proxy Server?

A proxy server is a middleman between a user’s device and the internet. When you try to access a website, your request first goes to the proxy server. The proxy then forwards your request to the website. When the website responds, the proxy sends the information back to you as well and they are used to make browsing safer, faster, and more private. They can block certain websites, and speed up access by saving copies of web pages. Also, hide your IP address to protect your identity and privacy while you browse.

Forward Proxy vs Reverse Proxy – An Overview

In the realm of the difference between reverse proxy and proxy, a forward proxy is a server that helps users connect to the Internet by forwarding their requests to websites. It is often used to control what users can access online, improve security by filtering content, and keep users’ identities private by hiding their IP addresses.

On the other hand, a reverse proxy sits in front of a web server and manages requests from users to the server. It helps distribute traffic to different servers to keep things running smoothly, improves performance, and protects the server’s identity. While both act as middlemen, a forward proxy helps the user connect to the internet. A reverse proxy helps the server manage incoming traffic.

Difference Between Forward and Reverse Proxy

A forward proxy and a reverse proxy are both types of proxies that serve as intermediaries between clients and servers, but they are used for different purposes and function in distinct ways. So, here are some of the points that indicate the difference between forward proxy vs reverse proxy:

1. Purpose

  • Forward Proxy: It helps control and manage how a user or group of users access the internet. It can also be used to bypass location-based restrictions or company firewalls.
  • Reverse Proxy: It helps manage and spread out incoming traffic to different servers. Which improves the balance of the load, boosts security, and enhances performance for websites and apps.

2. Direction of Proxying

  • Forward Proxy: It is a middleman between a user’s computer and the internet. It sends the user’s requests to the internet.
  • Reverse Proxy: It is a middleman between the internet and a web server. It sends internet requests to the right server.

3. Use Case

  • Forward Proxy: Used in workplaces, schools, or by people who want to browse anonymously or get around online restrictions.
  • Reverse Proxy: Used by companies to manage website traffic, protect sensitive information, and balance the load across servers.

4. Anonymity

  • Forward Proxy: Hides the user’s IP address from websites, keeping the user anonymous.
  • Reverse Proxy: Hides the internal setup of the server from users, but does not make the server itself anonymous.

5. Security

  • Forward Proxy: Blocks harmful sites and hides the user’s IP address for better security.
  • Reverse Proxy: Protects the web server from direct internet access, filters incoming requests, and manages SSL encryption for added security.

Forward Proxy vs Reverse Proxy Example

A forward proxy acts like a middleman for users accessing the internet. For example, in a company, a forward proxy can control what websites employees visit. When an employee wants to visit a website, the request goes through the proxy, which checks if the site is allowed. If approved, the proxy sends the request to the website and then returns the response to the employee. This helps the company control internet use and keeps the employee’s identity private by hiding their IP address.

A reverse proxy, on the other hand, works on the server side. For example, a busy e-commerce site might use a reverse proxy to handle heavy traffic. When users visit the site, their requests go to the reverse proxy. Which then directs them to one of several backend servers. This helps balance the traffic, improve performance, and protect the servers from being directly exposed to the internet.

Detailed Explanation of Forward Proxy

In the conflict of forward proxy vs reverse proxy, A forward proxy is like a gateway for users trying to access external resources on the internet. Here is how it works in detail:

  1. Client Sends Request: A user’s device sends a request to access a website or online resource.
  2. Request Goes to Forward Proxy: The request goes to the forward proxy server. Which checks it based on set rules.
  3. Proxy Forwards Request: If the request is approved, the forward proxy sends it to the internet using its IP address instead of the user’s.
  4. Response Received by Proxy: The website sends the response back to the proxy server.
  5. Proxy Delivers Response: The forward proxy then passes the response back to the user’s device.

Forward Proxies are Commonly Used For-

  • Anonymity: Users can hide their IP addresses by using a forward proxy.
  • Access Control: Organizations can decide which websites and resources users can visit.
  • Content Filtering: Forward proxies can block access to specific websites, like social media or adult content, according to company rules.

Detailed Explanation of Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy acts as a gatekeeper for servers, managing incoming requests from the internet. Here is how it works:

  1. Client Sends Request: A user’s device sends a request to access a web service or application.
  2. Request Reaches Reverse Proxy: The request goes to the reverse proxy server instead of going directly to the web server.
  3. Proxy Evaluates Request: The reverse proxy checks the request and decides which backend server should handle it.
  4. Proxy Forwards Request: The reverse proxy sends the request to the chosen backend server.
  5. Response Sent Back: The backend server processes the request and sends the response to the reverse proxy.
  6. Proxy Delivers Response: The reverse proxy forwards the response to the user’s device, making it look like it came directly from the original server.

Reverse Proxies are Widely Used For-

  • Load Balancing: Spreading incoming traffic across multiple servers so that no single server gets too busy.
  • Security: Keeping backend servers safe from direct internet access, blocking harmful traffic, and managing secure socket layer encryption.
  • Performance Optimization: Speeding up loading times for users by caching content and compressing responses.

Benefits of Using Forward Proxies and Reverse Proxies

In the conflict of difference between proxy and reverse proxy, Forward proxies and reverse proxies each have their advantages. Forward proxies help users stay private by hiding their IP addresses, and letting them browse the internet anonymously. They also allow organizations to control which websites can be accessed, block harmful content, and get around location-based restrictions. Both (forward proxy vs reverse proxy) also improve performance by spreading traffic across multiple servers (load balancing) and caching content to make websites load faster. Together, these proxies enhance security, performance, and the overall user experience.

Other Use Cases for Proxy and Reverse Proxy Servers

Forward and reverse proxies are used in different situations. Forward proxies are often found in companies and schools to control internet access, filter content, and let users browse anonymously by hiding their IP addresses. They are also used to get around location-based restrictions, allowing access to blocked content.

Reverse proxies are mainly used by organizations that run websites or web applications. They manage and spread incoming traffic across multiple servers, improving performance and reliability. Reverse proxies also boost security by protecting backend servers from direct internet exposure, blocking harmful traffic, and handling SSL encryption. Additionally, they can cache content to make websites load faster, making them important for improving web services.


In conclusion, forward proxy vs reverse proxy each play a vital role in managing internet traffic and enhancing security. Forward proxies are crucial for users seeking anonymity, controlling access, and bypassing restrictions. They act as a gateway between the client and the internet, providing privacy and content filtering. On the other hand, reverse proxies are essential for optimizing server performance and balancing traffic. As well as safeguarding backend systems from direct exposure.

They handle incoming traffic, distribute it efficiently, and manage security protocols like SSL encryption. Understanding the distinct functions and benefits of forward vs reverse proxy helps organizations and individuals make informed choices about their network needs. It also improves security, performance, and user experience in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Is VPN a forward proxy or reverse proxy?

Ans. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) functions similarly to a forward proxy by routing your internet traffic through an intermediary server, masking your IP address, and providing anonymity. However, unlike a typical forward proxy, a VPN encrypts all your traffic, ensuring higher security and privacy.

Q. What is forward proxy and reverse proxy in Apache?

Ans. In Apache, a forward proxy server is configured to allow clients to request content from the internet through the server, acting on behalf of the client. A reverse proxy server in Apache is configured to manage incoming requests from the internet, forwarding them to the appropriate backend server.

About The Author:

The IoT Academy as a reputed ed-tech training institute is imparting online / Offline training in emerging technologies such as Data Science, Machine Learning, IoT, Deep Learning, and more. We believe in making revolutionary attempt in changing the course of making online education accessible and dynamic.


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