Technology is stepping into every aspect of our lives. We are constantly in touch with technology. This technology is influencing us more and more. The most prevalent technology at present is Embedded System technology and the Internet of things.
Embedded system has been in use since the 1960s, it is used in almost any device. The devices you are seeing around are using microcontrollers and microprocessors.
A digital processor in a normal light switch reads data from its surroundings, runs a computational algorithm, and provides some type of output that interacts with the environment. It is an example of an Embedded system.
The application of Embedded systems and IoT has been increased after the advent of IoT. IoT is not so new, but people are accepting this technology now. They are not only accepting but also applying it in their day-to-day life.
Smart security is the best example of it. A voice-controlled assistant is another example of it. The use of Embedded systems with the Internet of Things can do magics of innovation.
In this article, we will discuss how embedded systems are enabling IoT. But before that, the meaning of the Embedded system should be discussed.
The integration of digital processing into a device that serves a wider purpose than just computing constitutes an embedded computing system. Embedded systems aren't devices that don't have any kind of digital processing.
An electric toothbrush, for example, is not an embedded system because it merely has a battery and a motor controlled by an on-off switch. An embedded system is a toothbrush with a microprocessor that flashes a red light when you press down too hard while brushing. And it is not the same as the general-purpose processing unit. It is customizable according to the requirements.

Feature of an embedded system:
1. Embedded systems carry out pre-programmed operations and have specific needs. They are programmable hardware devices that run on programmable hardware chips.
2. Unlike a computer, which performs a wide range of operations, embedded systems focus on a single purpose or a collection of related ones.
3. They are dependent devices. Embedded systems are small parts of a big device that performs a specific function. The Gibson Robot Guitar, for example, uses integrated technology to tune the guitar strings, although the guitar's primary role is to perform music. Even though the primary function of an automobile is transportation, it contains embedded technology that performs a variety of assisting purposes.
4. A firmware is written software for an embedded system that is stored on a read-only or flash memory.
5. Embedded systems might have no user interface or have extremely complex graphical interfaces. It mostly relies on the device's intended purpose or function.

These features of the embedded device are most suitable and important to IoT technology. It empowers IoT technology to work efficiently. More functions enable IoT.
For example, Real-time operation is the main feature of IoT. IoT has to take quick actions. Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS) is a type of embedded operating system that controls hardware resources, hosts programs, and processes data in real time.
The real-time task processing time, interrupt latency, and longer-term dependability of both hardware and applications are defined by RTOS, which is especially important for low-power and memory-constrained devices and networks.
Industries use the Feature of Embedded systems and IoT according to their purpose. Because Both IoT and Embedded systems are complementary to each other. For example, IoT with an embedded system consumes less power and does the work faster. This is how an Embedded system enables IoT.
As scaling down improves, engineers are accessing stages that are equipped for running Java and Scala conditions easily. This implies little gadgets can perform complex activities and do more than store or impart information. It doesn't stop with the figuring power on the inserted gadget, by the same token.
The development potential for embedded technology is colossal. What's more, the way ahead is becoming more clear each day. It's time that we begin building IoT frameworks and offer some incentives to our clients.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is as of now not a whimsical vision. It is especially with us, in everything from plant robotization to on-request amusement.
IoT programming arrangements have to a great extent must be worked without any preparation with a serious level of customization to explicit prerequisites, which has driven up the expense and intricacy of improvement and discouraged numerous forthcoming contestants to the market.
What has been missing are engineering devices that mitigate the expenses related to building the primary frameworkthe "plumbing" of their answersso they can zero in on upgrading the center's usefulness and put up answers for sale to the public all the more rapidly with less expense.