Now if you want to choose a field, where you can have limitless opportunities, Data Science is one of the best appropriate answers.

It has tremendous opportunities today and in the coming future.

In today's digital age, where we all witness data explosion, all small and big organizations are looking to leverage and monetize this data. And here comes the important role of "Data Scientists" And Python is a programming language that makes the job done by data scientists easy and effective.

Python is already playing a critical role in data science in previous years and will continue to gain more and more importance in 2021 and more coming years. It will not be wrong if we will say that Data science and Python go hand in hand. 

Python is a general-purpose programming language and is used in the development of both web and desktop applications and is also used in the development of complex numeric and scientific applications. With no utter surprise, it is one of the fastest-growing languages in the world and so Python for data science plays an important role.

There is a fast increment in data science jobs from 364,000 to 2720,000 in 2020 and is growing upwards day by day.
And so, you can join our programs: "Applied Data Science with Python Certification Program by E&ICT, IIT Roorkee".The IoT Academy in collaboration with the E&ICT, IIT Roorkee data science program offers you a great learning platform where you can learn and enhance your skills and fulfill your career goals.

And as you progress in data science with Python, you will get to know few things which include:

" Data science statistics
" Model building by using various basics data cleaning techniques
" How to convert raw data into a machine consumable format
" How machine learning models work and their applicability
" You will understand the parameters required for checking model accuracy
" How to deploy the model and use it as a service.
" Maintaining the model over a period of time

There is abundant raw data available everywhere but all the companies are interested in the people who can convert that data into useful fuel so that they can monetize the data by taking more powerful decisions and for that, they need data scientists, and here comes one more important role of data science which can be accomplished successfully by using Python.

One more important benefit of learning data science with Python is that this language is continuously upgraded and updated which will always keep you updated and upgraded in your professional life. Learning data science with Python enables you to work with the latest technologies which is always an add-on to your professional life.

Machine learning is a complex study to understand. You have to get answers to many questions to have a deep understanding of machine learning. For example: Which machine learning model will work for my database? or What all features should be included in my model? how to interpret the results of the model etc.

And to have a deep understanding of machine learning you can go for an online data science certification course or enroll in data science masters programs. As a told you earlier also you can enroll in the E&ICT Academy, IIT Roorkee presents an Online Certification Program on Applied Data Science with Python in collaboration with The IoT Academy (Subsidiary UniConverge).