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What are UI Elements – List of Top UI Design Components

  • Written By The IoT Academy 

  • Published on May 28th, 2024

In the world of websites, mobile apps, and software- UI elements are like the building blocks that help people do things, move around, and understand what is happening. This article is all about these elements, what they are, and the different types. Also, the most important ones for designers to know. We will also talk about how these elements make a big difference. In how people feel when they use digital stuff mention some tools that designers can use to create them. Understanding this stuff well helps designers make digital things that work great and make people happy.

Understanding What are UI Elements

UI elements are the basic parts of any user interface in digital products like websites, mobile apps, and software. They help users interact with the system to do tasks, navigate, and communicate. As well as common UI design components include buttons, text fields, checkboxes, sliders, and menus. Each element has a specific job, like entering data, giving feedback, helping with navigation, or organizing content. Using these elements well makes the interface easy to use, efficient, and attractive. Also, knowing how to use UI elements is important for designers to create functional and engaging user interfaces.

Types of UI Elements

UI elements can be broadly categorized based on their functionality and purpose. So, below are the primary types of UI components:

1. Input Controls

Input controls are components that allow users to input data into a system. These include:

  • Text Fields: Used for entering text, such as login credentials or search queries.
  • Checkboxes: Allow users to make binary choices, like agreeing to terms and conditions.
  • Radio Buttons: Enable users to select one option from a set.
  • Dropdown Lists: Provide a list of options from which users can choose.

2. Navigational Components

Navigational components help users move around within the interface. As well as these UI elements include:

  • Menus: Horizontal or vertical lists of options.
  • Breadcrumbs: Show the user’s current location in a hierarchy and how they got there.
  • Pagination: Divides content into pages and allows users to navigate between them.
  • Tabs: Organize content into separate views that users can switch between.

3. Informational Components

Informational components provide users with information or feedback. These include:

  • Tooltips: Small boxes that appear when users hover over an element, providing additional information.
  • Notifications: Alert users to important information or actions they need to take.
  • Message Boxes: Display system messages, such as error notifications or confirmation dialogs.
  • Progress Bars: Indicate the progress of a task, such as a download or upload.

4. Containers

Containers are used to group related content and elements together. These include:

  • Accordion: Expands and collapses to show or hide content.
  • Cards: Compact containers for displaying related information.
  • Modals: Overlay windows that require user interaction before returning to the main interface.

Top UI Design Components

In addition to understanding the types of UI components, it’s important to recognize the top UI design components that contribute to a cohesive and efficient user interface.

1. Buttons

Buttons are perhaps the most ubiquitous UI elements. They come in various forms, such as:

  • Primary Buttons: Used for the main action on a page.
  • Secondary Buttons: Used for less important actions.
  • Icon Buttons: Display an icon instead of text, often used for actions like “delete” or “share.”

2. Forms

Forms are essential for data collection and user input. They often include:

  • Form Fields: Areas where users input data.
  • Labels: Text that describes what each form field is for.
  • Validation Messages: Indicate if the input data is valid or if there are errors.

3. Navigation Bars

Navigation bars are crucial for site or app navigation. These UI elements typically include:

  • Links: Direct users to different parts of the site or app.
  • Search Bars: Allow users to search for content.
  • User Menus: Provide options related to user accounts, such as settings or logout.

4. Sliders

Sliders allow users to set a value or choose a range within a predefined limit. They are often used for adjusting settings like volume or brightness.

5. Tables

Tables display data in rows and columns, making it easy to view and compare information.

6. Lists

Lists present items in a sequential order. Also, they can be ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted).

7. Icons

Icons are small graphical representations of actions, objects, or ideas. They help to quickly communicate functionality without using text.

8. Grids

Grids help in laying out elements on a page in an organized manner. They are often used to align content and create a consistent structure.

What are the Elements of User Experience?

Understanding UI elements also involves grasping the broader concept of user experience (UX). The elements of user experience include:

  • Strategy: The strategy phase involves understanding user needs and business objectives. This phase sets the foundation for all design decisions.
  • Scope: Scope defines what will be included in the product. It involves deciding on the features and functionalities.
  • Structure: Structure is about organizing information and defining how users will navigate through the product. It includes creating site maps and wireframes.
  • Skeleton:  The skeleton phase focuses on the layout of each page, ensuring that the placement of elements supports usability.
  • Surface: The surface layer is the visual design. It includes choosing colors, typography, and images to create an aesthetically pleasing interface.

How Do UI Elements Impact User Experience?

User Interface elements like buttons and navigation bars make it easy to use digital stuff. In short, forms should be easy to fill out, and icons help you know what things do. Words should be easy to read, and pictures should make sense. Also, the way everything is laid out should make sense and not be too cluttered. If everything works well together, people will like using it more.

What Tools Are Available for Designing UI Elements?

Lots of tools are out there for making UI stuff. Adobe XD and Sketch are good for all kinds of designs, while Figma lets many people work together on one project. If you’re into making websites, Adobe Dreamweaver and Webflow help with both design and coding. If you’re new, Canva and Framer are easier to use. These tools help designers make things that look good and work well on phones, computers, and other digital things.

Also Read: Top 25 UI UX Interview Questions and Answers From Placement Cell


In conclusion, knowing and using UI elements well is super important for making digital stuff people like to use. When designers understand the different types of UI elements and how to use them. They can create interfaces that are easy to use, work well, and look good. Knowing the top UI components also helps make sure everything fits together nicely. Tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Adobe Dreamweaver, Webflow, and Canva. As well as Framer also help designers bring their ideas to life, no matter their skill level. Overall, user experience is key to making a digital product successful. By focusing on what users need and using good design, designers can make products that people love to use.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the difference between a UI element and a component?

Ans. A UI element is an individual part of a user interface, such as a button or text field. A component, on the other hand, can be a combination of multiple UI elements that work together to perform a specific function. For example, a form component might include text fields, labels, and a submit button.

Q. Is Element-Plus free?

Ans. Yes, Element-Plus is a free, open-source UI component library for Vue.js. It offers a wide range of customizable components that can be used to build modern web applications.

About The Author:

The IoT Academy as a reputed ed-tech training institute is imparting online / Offline training in emerging technologies such as Data Science, Machine Learning, IoT, Deep Learning, and more. We believe in making revolutionary attempt in changing the course of making online education accessible and dynamic.


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