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Most jobs and workplaces these days use a variety of technology, and companies want to know that their job seekers can patch upto that. Because it's less about one single technology (which changes on a daily basis) and more about the capacity to learn and adapt to technology. This is where digital literacy comes in and is sometimes referred to as a soft talent.
What is Digital Literacy Exactly?
The capacity to recognize and utilize technology confidently, creatively, and critically to meet the demands and problems of life, study and employment in a digital world are referred to as digital literacy.
The setting and your level of interaction in that context will determine your level of digital literacy fluency in that area.
For example, primary school children's digital literacy expectations will differ from those of higher education students; computer scientists will require high levels of ICT fluency, whereas digital marketers will need to be fluent in online communication and collaboration, as well as using social media; skills and capabilities developed in a learning context may differ from those developed in a social context; skills and capabilities required in a learning context may differ from those developed in a social context.
Only in the sense that it increases a learner's capacity to detect, analyze, evaluate, and produce media can technology promote literacy. It is still possible to cram learning spaces with apps, mobility, notifications, charts, fluid social streams, and visualized data while only increasing their familiarity with the forms and spectacle rather than the thoughts and individuals behind them.
What Does Digital Literacy Mean In Terms Of Practice?
Being digitally literate is more than just knowing how to use technology; it also means being able to think critically and effectively in a digitally enhanced world, whether it's in your personal life, your educational life, or your professional life. It means you use technology critically, deliberately, and responsibly, that you recognize the transferability of skills learned in one circumstance to other situations across platforms, apps, and contexts, and that you manage your digital footprint, which is permanent and has an impact. The ability to conduct professionally, responsibly, and with cultural and social knowledge in digital spaces is very crucial.
Disruption is a major influence of digital technology in any situation. To keep relevant digital literacy abilities throughout time, qualities such as flexibility, adaptability, and being a life-long learner are required.
Why Digital Literacy Is Important?
Digital literacy is a social and professional duty for educators. Technology is used to produce and process information in 21st-century occupations. To provide proper equity and equip them with the potential to compete on a global scale after secondary education, educators must aid in narrowing the digital divide between subpopulations of pupils. We cannot emphasize more on the topic, Importance of Digital Literacy in education as it is quite evident.
To help firms and businesses in the current culture, students must be well-versed in 2.0 technologies and systems management databases. Companies are looking for personnel that are digitally savvy to help them increase productivity, develop new products, and manage day-to-day operations. Educators must be able to properly combine technology and pedagogy to not only engage students but also to ensure that students can use digital technologies to help the workplace and enterprises for generations to come.
Digital literacy is required to become digital citizens or people who are in charge of how they utilize technology to engage with the world. Even though the UK is in the midst of a fourth industrial revolution that will affect all industries and economies, education policy in the UK is currently failing to educate students for a new type of job.
Furthermore, coupled with the growing trend in young internet use, there is an alarming rise in sad and worried children. According to a recent study, teaching pupils how to flourish and survive in our internet-dominated society is now as crucial as educating them to read and write.
Digital Literacy Is A Talent That May Be Transferred
You may have noticed that the majority of the digital literacy abilities listed above aren't technology-related. When they're used in the digital world, however, they produce vital skills for today's workforce.
For a job seeker, the most appealing aspect of digital literacy is that it is not limited to certain technology or systems. The capacity to adapt to new technologies is a talent that will improve with each new platform you grasp, and it is transferable to any professional situation.
The Bottom Line
Finally, we can conclude by saying that you might be able to notice some of these abilities in your life now that you have a broad response. Employers encourage individuals who can adapt and grow since many occupations dig further into specialized technology for their positions. You may not be aware that you already possess some of these valuable professional advantages.
The IoT Academy is also working towards digital literacy by providing students with a platform where they can be future ready by learning about emerging technologies such as Data Science, AI, Machine Learning and more.