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A tool is not automatically the "best" because it is the most widely used. What is best is always context-dependent in programming. However, popularity is undeniably an important metric when choosing between a handful of similar tools. It is not the popularity that contributes to the instrument's value; it's a more significant influx of resources and support from the larger tool community.
Because so many individuals can teach you how to use them, well-known tools are simpler to learn. Additionally, because the code is examined and tested by more individuals in more contexts, popular open-source programs tend to be less bug-ridden.
So while there's always the opposite of Apache and Nginx - two web servers: Apache is used by many other sites, but Nginx is used by more of the best sites on the web, which means it's used by some of the best technical teams - in many cases, it can be popularity the key difference between the tools.
This blog covers most of the essential tools you need when developing Java applications. It covers each category by providing the most popular "Top" tool and the "Runner-up" with some context and quotes from extensive surveys of the Java community to prove these placements. Beginners in Java should check out all these top tools to familiarize themselves with the ecosystem.
1. Java Development Kit (JDK)
The JDK programming language is used to make Java applets and applications. Included are the Java Runtime Environment, Java Compiler, and Java API. If you're starting out and looking for a Java tool, the JDK is a good choice because it's easy to use.
Key properties:
" Switch the expression using a string
" It is straightforward for programmers of all skill levels.
" The new license allows free personal and development use.
" It will enable multiple exceptions to be handled in a single catch block.
Costs: This tool is available for free.
2. Apache JMeter
Apache JMeter is free, open-source software built entirely from Java and used for performance testing and measurement. It was created for testing web applications, but now it has been extended with additional testing features.
Key properties:
" Concurrent sampling by multiple threads and simultaneous sampling of different functions by separate groups of threads is possible in a complete multi-threaded framework.
" Offline caching and analysis/playback of test results.
" Test IDE with many features that allow you to record test plans quickly.
Costs: This program is free to use.
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3. YourKit
A memory profiling tool for Java and.NET is called YourKit. It contains Java Profiler 2021.3, a low-overhead profiler for Java SE and Java EE platforms that have won awards.
A straightforward performance and memory profiler is.NET Profiler 2021.3. YouMonitor 2020.6 offers monitoring profiling technologies like Bamboo, Ant, Maven, and others.
Key properties:
" Java developers will significantly benefit from this unique method of profiling Java applications in the development and production phases.
" Profile all Java servers and applications on various platforms, locally and remotely.
" You only need SSH access for remote profiling.
" Customer support is great
" Time-saving tool
" Higher return on investment
" Memory usage is high
" Not all IntelliJ runtime configurations are supported
" It is aimed at .NET 2.0 developers only
Costs: This tool is free; a license can be purchased on the website.
4. IntelliJ IDEA
Jet Brains' IntelliJ IDEA was designed to maximize developer productivity. Intelligent coding support and ergonomic design work together to make development efficient and enjoyable.
Key properties:
" Instant code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, and robust refactoring tools are available.
" The most important tools are integrated version control systems and a broad range of supported languages and frameworks.
" Your needs are anticipated by the IDE, which also speeds up laborious development tasks.
Costs: Packages start at $499 per year.
5. Apache Spark
It is an open-source framework used for large-scale applications on clustered computers. It can manage real-time workload and batch data processing, also known as a parallel processing framework. It is developed to speed up the processing of jobs in Hadoop Systems.
It is an alternative to MapReduce, which was previously associated with Hadoop. It is written in Scala language to interact with the ignition core. It is faster than MapReduce, which is why Apache Spark runs successfully.
" It has a dynamic character.
" High data processing speed is about 100x faster in memory and 10x faster on disk.
" Code reusability.
" Used for fault tolerance.
" Both batch and real-time data processing are done using it.
" It supports various languages, including Python, Java, and Scala.
" It is connected with systems using Hadoop.
" It is very fast and dynamic.
" It can do streaming, machine learning, and SparkSql.
" It is integrated with Hadoop since it lacks a file management system.
" It doesn't work for a small file, and problems occur.
" There are a smaller number of algorithms.
Costs: Since it is open source, anyone can use it without paying.
6. Maven
Software project management and comprehension tool made by Apache is called Maven. The idea of a project object model enables Maven to control a project's build, reporting, and documentation from a single source of data (POM).
Key Features:
" Start a new project or module with a simple project setup that follows best practices in seconds.
" Automatic dependency updates and closures are among the benefits of superior dependency management (also known as transitive dependencies).
Cost: This tool is available for free.
7. Gradle
Gradle is a programme that combines practically all the features you might require. It is appropriate for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, and may aid in the development of everything from mobile apps to microservices.
Key Features:
" Create anything with a rich API
" That can automate anything quickly, with first-class support for your preferred IDE.
8. Log4j
The top logging library framework is called Log4j. The utility has been significantly improved over its previous iteration in the new edition.
Key characteristics:
" Separation of API
" Enhancing Performance
" support for a variety of APIs
" Avoid becoming locked in
" Automatic Configuration Reloading
" Architecture for Advanced Filtering Plugins
" Property Support
Cost: NONE
9. Eclipse IDE
The 2015 edition of the DZone Guide to the Java Ecosystem lists Eclipse as another top IDE tool. Because of how much help Eclipse can offer with code completion, refactoring, and syntax checking, it is preferred by many developers. The Eclipse community of Tools, Projects, and Collaborative Working Groups is fantastic.
Key Features:
" Free and open source
" Code completion assistance
" Refactoring and syntax-checking assistance
" JProject for Java Development Tools (JDT)
" That supports the IDEs for both C/C++ and PHP with plug-ins
Cost: FREE
10. Junit
A framework called JUnit makes it easier to create repeatable tests. It is regarded as one of the best testing frameworks available.
Key characteristics:
" tool for simple unit tests
" One block of code can be tested at a time.
Cost: FREE
11. Mockito
Mockito is one of the developer favorites regarding Java mocking frameworks.
Key Features:
" Produce readable, clean tests, and verification errors
" Stub method calls
" Verify interactions
" Slim API
" Natural mocking when TDD-ing Java code
" Similar syntax to EasyMock
Cost: FREE
12. Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is one of the most used Java application servers out there. It is an open-source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServe Pages, Java Expression Language, and Java WebSocket technologies.
Key Features:
" Powers numerous large-scale
" Lightweight app server
Cost: FREE
As Java is getting more and more users worldwide every day, there are many development tools available in the market that developers can use for free, making their work easier and faster and leading to bug-free code.